Export cloud info in command line mode

All ideas and stuffs that should be developed
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Export cloud info in command line mode

Post by darcycharlton »

An option to 'Export cloud info' under the command line function < -RASTERIZE -GRID_STEP {value} > would allow users to accurately place raster images in 2D space. The Barycenter (X,Y,Z) information could be used to apply a simple translation of the image.

It could look something like this:


which could generate the .CSV file (the same file that would be generated using GUI (Tools > Batch Export > Export cloud info) alongside the .TIF file generated by:


Export cloud info:
https://www.cloudcompare.org/doc/wiki/i ... cloud_info

CC will save in a CSV file (one line per cloud):

[*] Name
[*] Number of points
[*] Barycenter (X, Y, Z)
[*] For each scalar field
[*] Name
[*] Number of valid values
[*] Mean value
[*] Std. dev.
[*] Sum
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Re: Export cloud info in command line mode

Post by daniel »

guess I'll add that to the TODO list then ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Export cloud info in command line mode

Post by pflani »

Hi Daniel,
Instead of exporting the box center ("Barycenter (X, Y, Z)") when exporting cloud info, could we get the box dimensions?
I'm happy to tinker with this on my own fork (v2.13.alpha) if you could point me towards the right code; your TODO list is super long!
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Re: Export cloud info in command line mode

Post by daniel »

Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:22 pm

Re: Export cloud info in command line mode

Post by pflani »

That is very helpful, thanks!
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