Calculation of volume under a specified plane

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Calculation of volume under a specified plane

Post by Vomis »

Hello, I have a point cloud representing the RWY surface, and I need to determine the average height of the surface texture. Is there a tool that would place a plane on the point with the highest elevation? Ideally, this plane should be parallel to the horizontal X-Y plane of the point cloud. Additionally, I would like to calculate the volume between this plane and the plane derived from the point cloud (mesh/plane?). Thanks for your advices
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Re: Calculation of volume under a specified plane

Post by daniel »

Hum, not without quite a lot of tinkering... And I'm not sure what this 'plane derived from the point cloud' is? Is it the best fitting plane? Or do you need a mesh/surface? And last, what are the extents of the plane and the mesh (if any). Because it will change the volume estimate of course.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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