Xeon processors only using 1/8 of there capabilities

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Xeon processors only using 1/8 of there capabilities

Post by WimLouis »


I was wondering if there is a way to get more preformance out of CC
using a machine with 2 Xeon processors.
but for a comparison of 2 clouds the machine is only using 1/8 of the CPU
no other programs are running
is there a way to boost CC's CPU usage?
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Re: Xeon processors only using 1/8 of there capabilities

Post by daniel »

Which version are you using? With the latest you can choose the number of 'threads' used.

By default CC should take all available 'cores' (at least as it is managed by Qt, the library CC is built upon). Maybe Xeon processors are not correctly handled?
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Re: Xeon processors only using 1/8 of there capabilities

Post by Dimitri »

I have dual-xeon workstation (2 years old version) under windows 7, and CC systematically uses all the threads (28) available when it can, and has been doing so for quite some time.

Are you under Linux ?
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