Setting Near and Far Clipping Planes

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Setting Near and Far Clipping Planes

Post by TUMAAA »

Hi Daniel,

Is it possible to adjust the near and far clipping planes of the camera using the mouse? If not, is it at least possible to adjust it using some other kind of way? As you may know this is a very essential feature a 3D viewer should have.

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Re: Setting Near and Far Clipping Planes

Post by daniel »

Nope, you're the first to ask ;)

I guess we'll add this to the TODO list.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Setting Near and Far Clipping Planes

Post by BrianBrill »

Hi Daniel,
... Has this issue been addressed? ... I would really like to be able to adjust the near clipping as well.

thanks again for your great program!
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Re: Setting Near and Far Clipping Planes

Post by daniel »

The near clipping plane can be adjusted with the same shortcut as Meshlab (ALT + mouse wheel).

The other shortcuts are:
'CTRL + mouse wheel': change the point size
'SHIFT + mouse wheel': change the field of view (perspective mode)

There's no mechanism to change the far clipping plane.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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