Far Clipping Plane Adjustment

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Far Clipping Plane Adjustment

Post by gabrielwalton »

Hi Daniel,

Would it be possible to add a function to be able to adjust the far clipping plane as well as the near clipping plane?

If this was possible it would allow me to make a slice view which would allow me to edit the data with much greater efficiency. I could then edit a "slice" and then step through the data using the zoom function. At present the only way I can edit a slice is by using the segmentation tool but this is very clunky and takes a long time to set up and then merge the files again after editing. Using a near and far clipping plane to define the slice would allow a very quick method to adjust the size and position of the slice.

As always, many many thanks for your work. I use the software occasionally for commercial work and contribute financially when I can. I will of course make another donation if you can implement this function.

Best regards,

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Re: Far Clipping Plane Adjustment

Post by daniel »

Have you tried the 'repeat' mode in the Cross Section tool? This would allow you to create automatically many slices of your object. And then select the right one, or even only make one slice visible, etc.

Otherwise you can already change the near clipping plane interactively (with ALT + mouse wheel). I'm not sure yet how to handle properly the far clipping plane (even though it shouldn't be too hard).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Far Clipping Plane Adjustment

Post by AndresPla »

The repeat mode works like a charm. Thanks for the info. I had no idea it was so useful for this.
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