Command Line and Research Sandbox Functions in ICP

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Command Line and Research Sandbox Functions in ICP

Post by cwsheen61 »

I'm using ICP to match small pieces of mobile lidar-based scanned point clouds to a model the object that was scanned. The code below works well to create a command line call.

When working out the process, I found that the Research tab in the UI provided options to constrain the ICP (Z-rotation, XY-translation only).

Have these been implemented in the command line interface in some way? My results would be far better if I could constrain the alignment by just Z-rotation, and XY-translation.

Here is a little section of code (Mac OSX Python) that works for general, unconstrained ICP for a large group of files (3800 small files).

for i in range (0,loops):
callStr.extend(['/usr/bin/open', \
'-W', \
'-n', \
'-g', \
'-a', \
'/Applications/', \
'--args', \
'-SILENT', \
fileStr = ('/<pathname>/<model_name>.txt')
callStr.extend (['-o', fileStr])
fileNum = (i * groups) + 1
print fileNum
fileStr = ('/<pathname>/pointcloud_%d_MERGED.ply' % fileNum)
callStr.extend (['-o', fileStr])
callStr.extend (['-ICP', \
'-OVERLAP', '20' \
callStr.extend (['-POP_CLOUDS'])
callStr = []
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Re: Command Line and Research Sandbox Functions in ICP

Post by daniel »


Sorry, I kind of missed your message ;). As you may have already realized, these 'research' options are not available via the command line. It wouldn't be hard to had them though. But it's becoming harder and harder for me to do all these (even small) modifications myself. I'll add it to the TODO list and we'll see what happens ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Command Line and Research Sandbox Functions in ICP

Post by daniel »

For the records, this is now possible with the 2.11 version (option -ICP -ROT - see ... _line_mode)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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