Requests for Added Functions

To post any request/idea for new functionalities
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Requests for Added Functions

Post by Chartzell »

A couple of things I'd like to see:

1) A limit box- Being able to hide portions of the clouds you are working on can make the registration process much quicker and easier. With a customizable limit box you can look at just a small cross section of the clouds to get a good view of how well they fit together and what adjustments need to be made. Ideally, you would be able to push and pull on the various sides of the box to change it's dimensions.

2) This one is a little more fun. Is it possible to add the ability to do fly around animations and export them to some type of video format? Something where you could set various viewpoints and and have the camera fly between each point. Google SketchUp has a great example of this function.

Thanks for this great piece of software, and keep up the great work.
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Re: Requests for Added Functions

Post by daniel »


The cross section tool is already on track.

For the other one, we already had this request. However I don't know when we will have the time to do this...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Requests for Added Functions

Post by Chanzell »

Any more news on adding the video export option to CloudCompare?

This is a great product! Adding this functionality would make it even better. (if that's possible)
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Re: Requests for Added Functions

Post by daniel »

If we do this we'll be chased by hitmen paid by all the commercial software companies ;)

I'm kidding of course, it's just that this one represents a hell of a job and we'll need a lot of time (or a very motivated contributor).
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Re: Requests for Added Functions

Post by jedfrechette »

Recently someone was threatening to write a point based renderer for Blender: ... 43672.html

I have no idea how far along, or likely to succeed, that attempt is and if Blender had proper support for particle data sets a separate render wouldn't even be necessary. Nonetheless, I've always thought that adding better point cloud support to animation packages that already have good camera path controls, key framing ability, and rendering options would be much easier than adding those features to a data focused app like CloudCompare. Certainly the point cloud animations I've seen done in the likes of Maya and Houdini tend to be nicer than the ones generated by point cloud software, even the commercial ones with hitmen on speed dial.
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Re: Requests for Added Functions

Post by daniel »

Good point!

I have nightmares just thinking about the camera position management... Maybe Blender developers have nightmares thinking about the size of point clouds ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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