How to resize "Plane"

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How to resize "Plane"

Post by eimixas »

Is any way to resize plane constructed with:

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ccPlane* pPlane = pCloud->fitPlane(&rms); 
(cloud is build from 3 selected points)

It looks like plane (rectangle) is constructed like mesh using 2 faces (tiangles) - they are shown if "wireframe" option is selected. Should i somehow modify those faces?

Could be rotation changed too? (not plane rotation, but rotation of rectangle that represents plane)
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by daniel »

Primitives are parametric meshes that depends only on their 'parameters' value. The associated mesh structures (vertices and triangles) are mainly used for display and may be regenerated each time a parameter of the primitive changes (notably it's 'precision' parameter). So you can of course modify the vertices position, but you may lose this modification in an unpredictable way (each time the primitive is cloned, saved, or each time it's 'precision' parameter is changed, etc.).

The best way to do what you want is to 'duplicate' the primitive with new parameters:

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ccPlane* newPlane = new ccPlane(newXWidth,newYWidth,&pPlane->getTransformation());
After that, you'll have to restore display parameters yourself (plane color, stippling, etc.).

P.S. : please ask this kind of questions in the 'Developer > qCC' thread
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by eimixas »

OK, i will ask similar question in 'Developer > qCC'
(i see you moved this one)

I understand - i will duplicate with new parameters. Bet how can i get old ones? pPlane->m_xWidth and pPlane->m_yHeight are "access protected" and could find how to get them.
(i want to create new plane 5mm larger then original - so i need old width/height)
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by daniel »

I've just added accessors to several primitives parameters (plane, sphere, box and extru).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by eimixas »

How to remove object?

New plane is created, but old ones has to be removed.

here is part of my code:

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	//delete pPlane;
it works only if i comment Parent->removeChild(pPlane); and delete pPlane;
is it ok? do i need only "m_app->removeFromDB(pPlane);"?
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by eimixas »

And what is correct way to "select" newly created plane?

if i do like this:

Code: Select all


it is drawn as selected - but all plugin buttons are disabled. and it is not selected in "DB Tree"
Am i wrong somethere or some kind of bug?
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by daniel »

Yep, 'removeFromDB' does all the job.

By the way, if you want to remove an object from DB tree without deleting it, there's another method (MainWindow::removeObjectTemporarilyFromDBTree).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by eimixas »

Thank you, i will user removeFromDB only.
And what about "selecting" newly created objects?
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by daniel »

To 'select' an entity just as the user would do, see ccDBRoot::selectEntity.

In MainWindow, you can call

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Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: How to resize "Plane"

Post by eimixas »

Is it possible to call this method from plugin's ::DoAction()?

something like

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ccDBRoot* m_ccDBRoot = (ccDBRoot*)(m_app->dbRoot());
but i get:
qPlaneSizeReducePlugin.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall ccDBRoot::selectEntity(class ccHObject *)" (?selectEntity@ccDBRoot@@QAEXPAVccHObject@@@Z) referenced in function "protected: void __thiscall qPlaneSizeReducePlugin::doAction(void)" (?doAction@qPlaneSizeReducePlugin@@IAEXXZ)
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