Display point cloud

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Display point cloud

Post by silli »

Dear all,
I am new in CC, so sorry for the elementary questions, I tried to search also in this blog but found no related topics.
I would like to use CC to merge some point clouds from a survey done in FARO in a forest area.
I am able to import the clouds (only in windows, even if I will work in linux). The problem is that I have many problems with the visualization of these data, I mean that the colors are not really bright and clear (even if I load the RGB colors from pictures) and the zoom is not stable... every time I try to rotate the point cloud this will disappear and will return with its original size.

I tried exporting the data from SCENE (software recommended by FARO) but these problems are still present. The colors are a bit better if I use e57 format instead of LAS.

I tried different devices, windows and linux and with different video cards but the problems are still present.

The real problem is that if I can not zoom and see better the point cloud I will not recognize the different targets I placed in the area to join different point clouds on the same forest plot.

Some of you experienced the same? do you have an idea on how to go on? I would really use CC instead of the other software also because I will have a course at the university where I would like to show theme how to work with Open Source tools.

Any suggestion is welcome!


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Re: Display point cloud

Post by daniel »

Have you accepted to apply the Global Shift when loading the data? (if any, assuming the clouds have large coordinates). What you describe looks like the displays one can have with too large coordinates.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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