Impossible to launch CloudCompare

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Impossible to launch CloudCompare

Post by mletard »


I installed CloudCompare on my ubuntu machine using snap but I cannot launch the application. I get the following error message :

QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0
Aborted (core dumped)

If I enter $sudo cloudcompare.CloudCompare instead of just cloudcompare.CloudCompare, I get the same with one more line that is :
mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/0': Permission denied

Even when changing acces control and permissions this won't go away.

I have the following GPU: NVIDIA GF106GL (Quadro 2000)
And I am on ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I tried changing the access privileges, removing and re-installing both snapd and cloudcompare, updating my GPU drivers but nothing works.

If anyone has an idea, I would be relieved to hear it :)
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Re: Impossible to launch CloudCompare

Post by daniel »

Have you looked at Is it a similar issue?

Otherwise this 'QXcbConnection' error has already been discussed on this forum.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Joined: Tue May 21, 2019 11:52 am

Re: Impossible to launch CloudCompare

Post by mletard »

Hi, I had already looked at the topics on this forum and on many others including the link you gave me and nothing worked. However, I found the solution this morning. Somehow installing Meshlab with snap fixed the issue for me : after the installing process was completed, I tried launching CloudCompare again and it works !

Hopefully, this will be useful to someone else :)
Thank you for your answer :)
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Re: Impossible to launch CloudCompare

Post by w4rlock999 »

I had this for 2 days now, I used to able to use cloudcompare. I installed a new ubuntu system and install cloudcompare via snap and get this QXcbConnection problem. Funnny I don't remember I had this problem before.

Then I think because my system is new, maybe it doesn't have qt5-default is the problem. Then miraculously it solved after i installed qt5-default. Still I don't know if this is the solution, but worth a try.

"sudo apt-get install qt5-default"
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