Face a mesh

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Face a mesh

Post by Michel_A »

how is it possible to be in front of a mesh ?
Because the Viewing tools are related to the "trièdre" (which is related to the bounding box).
And I want to face the mesh...
Please help
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Re: Face a mesh

Post by daniel »

This is not possible right now (well, at least not easily).

An idea was to be able to pick a triangle and tell CC to place the camera in front of it... would it help in your case?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Face a mesh

Post by daniel »

This is now possible with the 2.5.0 version:
  • pick a triangle of the mesh (with SHIFT+click)
  • select the spawned label in the 3D view
  • right click on the corresponding entry in the DB tree
  • select the 'Align camera' (or 'Align camera (reverse)') option
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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