DTM from Point clouds

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DTM from Point clouds

Post by MK2013 »

Hello all,
It is my first visit to this forum, I need to ask how I can make calssification for my point cloud files
I need to remove the vegetation to make DTM for a steeps field
my point cloud contains X Y Z R G B I values.

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Re: DTM from Point clouds

Post by daniel »

Maybe an archaeologist or geologist could give you a more accurate answer, but the simplest way to 'remove vegetation' from a scan in CloudCompare is to use the 'Height grid generation' tool ("Tools > Projection" menu). Use a rather large step and select the 'minimum height' as projection type (so as to only keep the ground points). Select also the 'leave empty' entry for the 'fill empty cells with" option.

However I believe there's better ways (and surely better tools) to do this.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: DTM from Point clouds

Post by jfhullo »

Hi all,

for classification, have a look at the software mentionned here: http://www.danielgm.net/cc/forum/viewto ... sification

It has been made by one of our active forum member, give it a try!!
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