CloudCompare out of memory

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CloudCompare out of memory

Post by aborgnino »

Hi to everybody,

I'm trying to process with ColdCcmpare large scan files generated with Leica RTC360: I try to manage about 32 scans in High resolution and the .e57 files are in the order of 70-80 GB. I'm using an i7 PC with 32GB of RAM. Unfortunately when I try to put together with CloudCompare the scans I get an out of memory error. I set the virtual memory up to 200 GB but it doesn't help. How could I proceed ? Why is CC not using the virtual memory?
How much memory do I need? 64 GB could be enough or do I need 128 GB?


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Re: CloudCompare out of memory

Post by daniel »

Actually CC can use the virtual memory, but here the problem may be different: there's an internal limit for the numbers of points in a single cloud as we are using 32bits indexes... to save some memory ;).

This theoretical limit lies around 2 billion points (but I'm pretty sure something bad will happen before that). So maybe you hit this limit?

Otherwise, I don't know how much points you have in each scan (but I bet several hundreds of millions?). The memory used by each scan will depend on the potential scalar fields or RGB colors that come with the point. You typically need between 1Gb and 2Gb for 100 million points. And whenever you merge two clouds, you basically have to duplicate one of them in memory (even temporarily).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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