New user requiring a little guidance please. I have a heritage facade of a building I wish to mesh. Eventually I would like to Import into Revit into real world co-ordinates.
I have an .e57 point cloud of a facade. Imported into CC.
Global shift menu appears. [Yes to all - with Preserve global shift on save ticked]
Subsample @ 8mm - 1.7million points remaining
Poisson Surface Reconstruction - Octree Depth 11 - Output density as SF ticked
Filter by value - Export - removing excess spray and mesh.
Highlight Mesh - Save as PLY - Binary
The bad display in Meshlab comes from the fact that either the export format you used doesn't support large coordinates (but PLY Binary should be ok) or that Meshlab doesn't support them (more likely).
Thank you for your reply Daniel and guessing what i was trying to do by importing into Mesh lab.
I accidentally hit Submit when trying to preview my post to check the pictures were showing up properly :)
Will keep working on it and try and figure out a workflow!
If you don't preserve global shift on save you can likely use the PLY Binary in other software which doesn't work with large coordinates, then use whatever tool needed from the other software, and reimport into CC and apply the global shift scale that was originally suggested in CC, you would need to record those shift values somehow yourself, but it *should* work :)