PDAL writers exception with headless CloudCompare

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Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:27 pm

PDAL writers exception with headless CloudCompare

Post by embertelen »


Im asking for help on the following problem:

I have:
snap 2.49
snapd 2.49
series 16
ubuntu 18.04
kernel 5.4.0-1040-azure

My intention is to use Cloudcompare as a command line .ply to .las converter on a Linux server. After several days of trying, I was finally able to run Cloudcompare with this command:

Code: Select all

 sudo xvfb-run cloudcompare.CloudCompare -SILENT -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -O house12.ply -NO_TIMESTAMP -SAVE_CLOUDS

I am getting this error, I really have no idea how to fix PDAL related error, can you folks please help me with this:

Code: Select all

QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
[Global Shift] Max abs. coord = 1e+4 / max abs. diag = 1e+6
[ccColorScalesManager] Found 0 custom scale(s) in persistent settings
[Plugin] Searching: /snap/cloudcompare/208/lib/cloudcompare/plugins
        Plugin found: Additional I/O (libQADDITIONAL_IO_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Animation (libQANIMATION_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: CEA Virtual Broom (libQBROOM_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: CANUPO (libQCANUPO_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Compass (libQCOMPASS_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Core I/O (libQCORE_IO_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: CSF Filter (libQCSF_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: E57 (libQE57_IO_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: EDL Shader (libQEDL_GL_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Facet/fracture detection (libQFACETS_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Hough Normals Computation (libQHOUGH_NORMALS_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Hidden Point Removal (libQHPR_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: M3C2 Distance (libQM3C2_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: PCD file I/O (libQPCL_IO_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: PCL wrapper (libQPCL_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: PCV / ShadeVis (libQPCV_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: PDAL (libQPDAL_IO_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Photoscan I/O (libQPHOTOSCAN_IO_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: PoissonRecon (libQPOISSON_RECON_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: Surface of Revolution Analysis (libQSRA_PLUGIN.so)
        Plugin found: SSAO Shader (libQSSAO_GL_PLUGIN.so)
[Plugin] Searching: /root/snap/cloudcompare/208/.local/share/CCCorp/CloudCompare/plugins
[Plugin] Searching: /root/snap/cloudcompare/208/CCCorp/CloudCompare/plugins
[Plugin] Searching: /snap/cloudcompare/208/data-dir/CCCorp/CloudCompare/plugins
[Plugin] Searching: /snap/cloudcompare/208/share/CCCorp/CloudCompare/plugins
[Plugin] Searching: /snap/cloudcompare/208/usr/share/CCCorp/CloudCompare/plugins
[Plugin][Additional I/O] New file extensions registered: ICM OUT PN POLY POV PV SOI SX
[Plugin][Core I/O] New file extensions registered:  GEOREF MA OBJ OFF PDMS PTX SBF STL VTK
[Plugin][E57] New file extensions registered: E57
[Plugin][PCD file I/O] New file extensions registered: PCD
[Plugin][PDAL] New file extensions registered: LAS
[Plugin][Photoscan I/O] New file extensions registered: PSZ
Output export format (clouds) set to: LAS
Opening file: 'house12.ply'
[PLY][Comment] Created by CloudCompare v2.11.3 (Anoia)
[PLY][Comment] Created 12/17/2020 17:12
[PLY][Info] Generated by CloudCompare!
[I/O] File 'house12.ply' loaded successfully
Found one cloud with 260541 points
PDAL exception: writers.las: Couldn't open file './house12.las' for output.
An error occurred while saving './house12.las': the third-party library in charge of saving/loading the file has thrown an exception
Failed to save result in file './house12.las'
Processed finished in 0.09 s.
Thank you!
Posts: 187
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:59 pm

Re: PDAL writers exception with headless CloudCompare

Post by WargodHernandez »

I'm suspecting a permissions issue, can you try saving as a .bin (cloud compares native format) if we can't save that, it is for sure a permissions issue.

see this Github Issue #778 Comment
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