Dip / Dip Direction

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Dip / Dip Direction

Post by jhm97 »

CloudCompare assumes that +Z is the vertical direction.

Hence, a dip of 90 degrees is purely vertical.

But what's the meaning of a dip direction ?
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Re: Dip / Dip Direction

Post by WargodHernandez »

see Strike_and_dip wiki

quoted from there:
Another way of representing strike and dip is by dip and dip direction. The dip direction is the azimuth of the direction the dip as projected to the horizontal (like the trend of a linear feature in trend and plunge measurements), which is 90° off the strike angle. For example, a bed dipping 30° to the South, would have an East-West strike (and would be written 090°/30° S using strike and dip), but would be written as 30/180 using the dip and dip direction method.
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