3D Textured Mesh

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3D Textured Mesh

Post by carymc »


I have some UAS LAS datasets from a Geocue LIDAR unit. I am trying to create a 3D Textured mesh from the point cloud data. The LAS already has the RGB values stored at each point. Creating the mesh is pretty simple via CC, and once completed it displays wonderfully with the RGB values interpolated across each triangle. Is there any way to export the mesh with the RGB values? I have saved the mesh and then when I bring it back into CC or any other OBJ viewer it defaults to grayscale and I can't figure out how to display the texture. Any guidance?

Thank you,

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Re: 3D Textured Mesh

Post by daniel »


CC is not able to create textures sadly. It can only export per-vertex RGB information. However, not all formats support this feature. And probably not OBJ or STL. You would have to use a format such as PLY or FBX.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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