The size of the pixels in the geo TIFF is slightly different from the size set during rasterization

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The size of the pixels in the geo TIFF is slightly different from the size set during rasterization

Post by Rabbit-SK »

Hi everybody!

How can I achieve a pixel size of exactly 0.1 meter?

Cloud Copmare - Rasterize:

QGIS - Layer Properties:
Note that the pixel size is not 0,1 but 0,1000000000000000056.

Thanks for the recommendations.
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Re: The size of the pixels in the geo TIFF is slightly different from the size set during rasterization

Post by daniel »

I don't think you will get any better, since it's the standard way of representing a floating point value for a computer (see

Whatever the number you try to represent, even with 64bits or 128bits if you could, there will always be a small approximation due to the limited number of possibilities. Here it's probably a 'double' (64bits) representation, and therefore you get a small 'epsilon' approximation, smaller than 1e-16 which is consistent with the standard.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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