Change render order

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Change render order

Post by ThomasRisto »

Hello !

Would it be possible to change the order in which the point clouds are rendered in the view ?

I explain :

I want to display a point cloud, and a segmented/classified version of the same cloud over it.
Problem : it only works when I load the bottom point cloud last.

To me, it seems that objects (or groups) are displayed in the inverse order they were added to the DB tree. Am I wrong ?

It would be nice to be able to move the objects up or down in the rendering layer stack...

Thanks !
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Re: Change render order

Post by daniel »

To play with the DB order, you just have to put all the entities in the same group (you can create one with a right click on the DB area if necessary, but generally entities are already coming in their own groups when loaded).

Then you just have to to drag and drop the entities in this group in the right order (you can even drag and drop an entity in the same group to place that entity at the end of the group).

Warning: I realize that in the current version, after having changed the entities order you have to move the 3D view camera a little bit to refresh its content (it's not done automatically)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:47 am

Re: Change render order

Post by ThomasRisto »

All right thanks, it's working perfectly once you got the trick of moving the 3D view a little !
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