View heightmaps in 3D

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View heightmaps in 3D

Post by ThomasRisto »

Hello !

Is there a way to load a .tif height map and view it as a 3D mesh (or point cloud) ?

Right now I can load the raster and display it as a plane with a scalar fields, is there a way I can pass the scalar field into the Z coordinate ?

Thank you
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Re: View heightmaps in 3D

Post by daniel »

Indeed, as it should have been suggested in the Console (which might not be displayed by default though) you can map the active scalar field to a given coordinate field (x, y or z - 'z' in your case).

Mind that if the units of the scalar field don't match the actual units of the grid coordinates, you'll have to use 'Edit > Multiply/Scale' method to properly scale them afterwards.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: View heightmaps in 3D

Post by ThomasRisto »

Perfect once again !

Is there a single thing that you or your software cannot do ? I'm starting to doubt so ;)

Thank you very much daniel
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