Segment mesh and refine to preserve polyline?

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Segment mesh and refine to preserve polyline?

Post by Evan »

I have a coarse mesh generated using CSF Filter. This mesh is supposed to be of a roadway. The nature of the CSF filter is make the mesh as big as the bounding box, so it will spill outside of the roadway points. I want to clip the mesh nicely to match the roadway edge.

Using 2D Polygon Facet tool, I get a set of projected points (no Z value) outlining the exact contour/boundary of my road points. This is great, but when I use that contour as a segmentation polyline on the mesh, since it is coarse, I get giant chunks taken out and no flush edge.

Is there a way to add mesh faces and vertices from the projected contour points, so that I am guaranteed a clean cut?

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Re: Segment mesh and refine to preserve polyline?

Post by daniel »

No, sadly CC doesn't offer this level of refined segmentation for meshes yet...

Not ideal, but you could sample points on the mesh, segment this (dense) cloud finely, and then re-mesh the result with either Delaunay or Poisson.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:54 am

Re: Segment mesh and refine to preserve polyline?

Post by Evan »

Thanks for the reply Daniel.

I think I can get the job done by importing the facet polyline into Rhino, extruding a surface along Z to intersect the CSF mesh, and then splitting/trimming in Rhino. That usually works to create new faces/vertices, preserving the intersecting polyline. Maybe something to look into for the segmentation tool for future versions.

Thank you!

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