Filtering classes by maximum Z coordinate

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Filtering classes by maximum Z coordinate

Post by nhebda »

Hello! I'm new to using CloudCompare and I've searched this topic, but was unable to find an answer. Apologies if it's already been answered elsewhere.

I have a classified point cloud and would like to filter the classes by their maximum Z coordinate. Specifically, I would like to isolate only the classes with maximum Z>2. In my data each class is an individual tree, and I'd like to select only the trees taller than 2 m.

I'm familiar with the Scalar Fields -> Filter By Value function, but this doesn't seem to do quite what I'm looking for.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Re: Filtering classes by maximum Z coordinate

Post by daniel »

Well, if you use the 'Filter by value' tool to filter the points above 2m., and then you look at the 'Classification' SF on the resulting cloud, won't you see the list of classes you are looking for? (depending on the number of trees, you can either look at the filtered SF histogram, or export the cloud as an ASCII/text file and open it in Excel for instance).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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