Application failed to start and missing icuin52.dll

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Application failed to start and missing icuin52.dll

Post by RobH616 »

Hi Everyone,

I'm attempting to compile the CloudCompare source code on Windows7 using Visual studio Express 2013 and I've ran into a problem.

I downloaded Qt( v5.3.2 windows 64 bit MSVS2013, openGL) and followed the wiki guide to configure and generate the binaries from the source code using Cmake and this was successful. I then opened the project in VS2013 and built the INSTALL sub-project that successfully created the CC_debug files in the install dir. I then changed the Debugging 'Command' for the CloudCompare and ALL_BUILD project to point to the CloudCompare.exe created when compiling INSTALL.

When trying the run the program I get the error "program can't start because icuin52.dll is missing". I can't find any reference to anyone else having the same problem. Do you have an idea what I've done wrong ?

[FYI - thought it wouldn't work but I gave it a try, copied in the dll that I downloaded and got the error "application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)" ]

Massive thank you in advance
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Re: Application failed to start and missing icuin52.dll

Post by daniel »

I haven't tried to compile with Qt 5.3 yet (I'm using 5.2.1 currently).

It's silly because our CMake script attempts to copy the icuin51 icuuc51 and icudt51 Dlls. I didn't realize that it was a version number at the end!

Can you edit the file 'CMakeInclude.cmake', change all '51' occurrences by '52' (line 36) and restart the whole process (well, mainly configure + generate in CMake, and ALL_BUILD in visual)? Tell me if it fixes your issue and I'll do this more properly in the trunk version.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Application failed to start and missing icuin52.dll

Post by RobH616 »

Hi Daniel,

I must admit I don't entirely understand what that fix actually did - was it something to do with Cmake asking Qt to import some files into the CC install and as it was asking for the wrong name and it couldn't find it, it didn't copy anything over ?

Either way, the fix worked. CC now compiles and runs correctly.

Thank you,
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Re: Application failed to start and missing icuin52.dll

Post by daniel »

Yep, in fact we ask CMake to automatically copy some DLLs (from Qt and other libraries) in the installation directory. But there's no error message if it can't find them (maybe somewhere in the Visual output console, but I'm not even sure).

Anyway thanks for the feedback, I'll fix the CMake file asap.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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