How to activate my plugin on other computers

Questions related to plugins development
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How to activate my plugin on other computers

Post by petrb »

thanks for CloudCompare whitch is very usefull for us.

I'm doing my first plugin. It's my first experience with C++. I followed the instructions in file. I'm working on Windows 10 64-bit, Visual studio 2015, Qt 5.6, CloudCompare 2.8.1 and 2.9.alpha. I was surprised that my first plugin works well very early. It works on the computer where I builded it. But it doesn't work on other computers where is only CloudCompare installed and where I copy my plugin DLL file. Console reports that My_plugin.dll doesn't seem to bee valid plugin.

Is there any process which needs to be done on other computers. Or can I get more details about error from console report. Maybe something needs to be set in Visual Studio?
Thanks for any sugestions.
Petr B.
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Re: How to activate my plugin on other computers

Post by daniel »

If you want to share only the plugin file with people using the official version of CC, you'll have to compile it with the same environment as myself: Visual 2013, and Qt 5.7.0 (you can know that anytime by looking at the version dialog: 'Help > About').
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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