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SILENT option in command line

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:02 am
by vojtek
I need to execute cc in a complete silent mode without having to view the confirmation message and click APPLY button when importing PTS files.

Here's what I'm doing

Code: Select all

CloudCompare -C_EXPORT_FMT ASC -PREC 6 -O -SKIP 1 e02-40cm.pts -CROP -5.8:-2.8:206.65:-1.2:-1.6:207.05
And cc display a confirmation message - all I need to do ther ei to click on APPLY button...

My first few lines of PTS file are the following (the format stays the same within a file):

Code: Select all

19.57710000 -3.35540000 207.03960000 -2047 0 0 0
19.57250000 -3.36630000 207.03950000 -2047 0 0 0
19.57760000 -3.37920000 207.03910000 -2047 0 0 0
19.57620000 -3.40450000 207.03860000 -1967 5 5 5
19.60490000 -3.43450000 207.03710000 -2047 0 0 0
19.45980000 -3.68110000 207.03650000 -1663 24 24 24
Q:Is there a way to have CC running in FULL SILENT mode so I would not be prompt with the confirmation message?
Thanks in advance for any hints :)

Just an observation
comparing the layout of INPUT PTS and OUTPUT PTS files I can see the difference in the order:
INPUT: X Y Z S R G B (S=scalar)
OUTPUT: X Y Z R G B S (S=scalar)

Maybe this is the reason why (and I have no idea which one is THE correct one...)...
Q: is there a way to specify the order of the fields in either the input or output file?

Re: SILENT option in command line

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:40 am
by daniel
Indeed, the values order is the problem. But there's no 'good' order, this is why CloudCompare can't decide and has to ask the user.

And while you can choose the order on output in the standard graphical mode (with the ASCII export dialog) we don't do this in command line mode to avoid another dialog. So you get the default order for CC (XYZ RGB Scalar).

The idea to specify the order and the columns roles in command line mode is already in the TODO list but it's not done yet.

Meanwhile you have 3 solutions:
- add a header to your input cloud so that CC can guess the file content (e.g. "//X Y Z Scalar R G B" on the first line)
- drop either the colors or the scalar values, in which case CC won't have to ask anything
- or use another format for your input cloud ;)

Re: SILENT option in command line

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:07 pm
by vojtek
Option #1 worked perfectly :)