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[FIXED] Command Line: '-FILTER_SF' does not work

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:14 pm
by vojtek

the following code does not change the input date in any way (despite the fact that it states it does...) - the output file is exactly the same as the input one!!!

cloudcompare -AUTO_SAVE OFF -C_EXPORT_FMT ASC -PREC 8 -EXT PTS -o test.pts -SET_ACTIVE_SF 0 -FILTER_SF -0.0025 +0.0025 -SAVE_CLOUDS[/code]

Is it a BUG or am I doing something wrong?

I do need to process few hundreds of files and I was hoping to do it in a batch mode....
(everything works perfectly in GUI mode)

Please advise

Best regards

Re: Command Line: *** -FILTER_SF *** does not work

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 8:11 am
by daniel
Indeed, this is a bug. The cloud was not updated in memory if the AUTO_SAVE feature was disabled.

This is fixed in the latest beta version.

Thanks for the feedback.

Re: [FIXED] Command Line: '-FILTER_SF' does not work

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:24 pm
by vojtek
No problem.
I'm glad I can help at least in this way.

BTW Thanks for the GREAT software!