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PTS / PTX files export

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:57 am
this may sound odd but is it possible to assign a date tag to each point in a specific point cloud file such as a PTX or PTS .

What we would like to do is import a point cloud file then asign a date to the pixels / nodes captured within the scan and then export this information as a PTX or RCS to packages such as navisworks

Re: PTS / PTX files export

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:33 am
by daniel
I don't think PTX files support additional fields.

In a PTS file it would just be an additional column. But I would be very surprised that other software tools handle it though!

The only format I know that officially handles such an information per point is LAS (with the 'GPS Time' field). And the E57 format has a per-scan GPS time field.