Compatibility of the .bin between 2.6.2 and 2.6.0

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Compatibility of the .bin between 2.6.2 and 2.6.0

Post by viralata »

Still trying to use faro files on Linux, I manage to use CC in a virtual machine and import my.fls clouds there, but the file I save (it's a 2.6.2 on windows) cannot be opened in the 2.6.0 version I have on Linux.
Is it supposed to be like that ? Shall I export the point clouds in another format to import them in Linux ?
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Re: Compatibility of the .bin between 2.6.2 and 2.6.0

Post by daniel »

Yes, there is no backward compatibility (only forward). New structures are saved with newer versions and the older versions don't know how to handle them).

FARO files can be saved as PLY, E57 or LAS for instance (or even ASCII but it's bigger). You'll lose the grid structure though (but it's only used for computing normals right now).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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