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We've lost multiscalar saving in ascii file (and bin)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:46 am
by Dimitri
Hi Daniel,

I've noticed in the latest build (it was already there in a few before but I don't remember exactly) that ascii file and binary file saving is only recording the first scalar (or the displayed one, note sure) and ditch all the others....quite annoying !



Re: We've lost multiscalar saving in ascii file (and bin)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:30 am
by daniel
This is strange, but not in the way you expect: I can't find any version where multi-SF saving was supported!It's always the displayed SF by default.

But it sounds like something that has been done at a time (but I can't find any trace of it, partly due to the major change that occured in the SVN trunk since the CMake version appeared).

I think I'll have to put it (back ?) in the next version.


Re: We've lost multiscalar saving in ascii file (and bin)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:23 pm
by Dimitri
Ok,ok, I'm getting old ;-) ...maybe I dreamed that CC was actually exporting all the scalars, but I'm 95 % sure it did so at some point. Anyway, that's definitely something important given that more and more people are dealing with point clouds with multiple scalars.



Re: We've lost multiscalar saving in ascii file (and bin)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:23 pm
by daniel
Ok, I've already fixed this for ASCII files, but it will be a little harder for BIN files while maintaining backward compatibility. I'm going to change this format deeply (in a much more versatile and evolutive form) so I'll do it in the same way. The new version should come out at the end of the month.

Thanks to EDF R&D support, the next release is going to be ... BIG!

Re: We've lost multiscalar saving in ascii file (and bin)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:25 pm
by Dimitri
Ascii file is perfect for me right now.

I'm really looking forward for the next release for myself, but also for others in the Earth Science community. I was recently at the European Geosciences Union in Vienna with 3 presentations on our lidar work, and in each of them, I advertised Cloudcompare a lot ! It's great that EDF R&D is still actively participating in this project.

A lot of people were also presenting stuff on SFM (including actual comparison between TLS and SFM in terms of precision), and this is going to explode the need for softwares like CC.