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Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:57 am
by swiss_knight

when exporting a LAS point cloud file to a PLY file, I lose decimals, ending with only intergers on X, Y coordinates.
Z seems to still have two digits.

Is this normal ?
There is no particular options while saving the file.


Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:03 am
by daniel
Did you accept to apply the 'Shift on Load' strategy when loading the LAS file? (I guess it has big coordinates?). Are you sure the points still have digits after they have been loaded from the LAS file? (simply shift-click on a point to display its coordinates).

Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:30 am
by swiss_knight

Yes I'm applying the shift. I have rather huge coordinates (~ 2 million along X and ~1 million along Y).
I manually entered "rounded" (i.e. with 3 decimal zeros, but they probably do not become integers ?) the X and Y shifts, and setting 0 for the Z values.

And when using the point picking tool, I have the X,X,Y "shifted" coordinates on the left. And the Xg,Yg,Zg "real" coordinates on the right.
All these values have a sufficient amount of decimals (6 digits). And they are not zeros at all.
They correspond to the original data.

Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:52 am
by daniel
Do you export the PLY file in ASCII or BINARY format?

Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:34 am
by swiss_knight

I have tried the PLY > binary now; there is no problem with it.
But I needed the ASCII to import the points in a human readable format in a GIS software.

A workaround for the moment is to export it as ASCII text file (not PLY); there is the option to set the precision for the output.
And every digits are present in the exported file.


Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:47 am
by daniel
Indeed, RPly (the third-party library that we use to export PLY files) don't let us define the output precision for ASCII files... I guess we should hack it to allow this.

Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:17 pm
by ospeleo
Same "problem" here.

I've been working on a cloud from a .las file with local data +/-50m
I set the global shift parameter to output directly in UTM.
however, in the .ply file (ascii), the exported data does not have all the meaningful figures:

Code: Select all

448500 5.40653e+06 60.4567 255 255 255 .......
448500 5.40653e+06 60.4489 255 255 255 ....... 
It doesn't work (for me) in binary neither.

The workaround would be to export the data in ply format in the local coordinate system, and find another way (via a GIS software?) to shift in the UTM coordinate system.
It would be a nice feature to be able to export large coordinates directly from CC.

Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:51 am
by daniel
Do you mean you can't use Binary PLY files or the global shift mechanism doesn't work in your case?

Re: Losing all decimals on coordinates (integers only) when exporting a LAS file to a PLY file

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:07 pm
by ospeleo
daniel wrote:Do you mean you can't use Binary PLY files or the global shift mechanism doesn't work in your case?
my mistake. Clouds with global shifting to big coordinates are correctly exported to binary ply files (but not ascii ply).

The problem was the importation of the binary ply to another software. If I re-open it in CC, the file is correct.