Access is Denied

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Access is Denied

Post by SteveGalvin »

I have loaded CC from Guithub and put it through CMake and loaded into Visual Studio 2015. I ran the 'Start without debugging' function and the program seems to have compiled OK with 10 successful builds and no failures. Rather than starting the program the error message is:

'Unable to start program C:\......\build\x64\Debug\ALL_BUILD Access is denied'

I run Start without debugging again and I keep getting the same error. What do I need to do to get around this issue?

Many thanks Steve
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Re: Access is Denied

Post by daniel »

Refer to the compilation instructions and especially the section about Visual Studio ( ... on_Windows) and then follow the link to the forum thread.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Access is Denied

Post by SteveGalvin »

I have pointed the command line at C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\Survey View Program Files\CloudCompare_debug\CloudCompare.exe in the INSTALL Property Pages as per the attached screenshot. I theb Started without Debugging and get the same error.I have tried to find the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory but cannot find it anywhere... ????
CC.jpg (111.98 KiB) Viewed 19973 times
Also... If I want this panel with the red cross in CC to be viewed in a Windows form panel, where can I find the target to point the panel's method to?
snip_20170328092959.png (123.64 KiB) Viewed 19973 times
Many thanks Steve
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Re: Access is Denied

Post by daniel »

1) The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is defined in CMake. It's where the compiled files should be installed (when compiling the INSTALL project in Visual).

By the way, make sure you have changed it (because it points on the 'Program Files' folder by default and you don't have the rights to install files there on the recent versions of Windows). This may be the issue?

2) I'm not sure what you are actually trying to do... Can you explain it a little more? Moreover CC is built upon 'Qt' which is an abstraction library that let us compile on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Therefore there's no platform-specific code in CC (such as calls to Windows forms or X server, etc.). There are some times dirty tricks to get the underlying structures but it's rare. Otherwise you may want to look at this: (I just googled it).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Access is Denied

Post by SteveGalvin »

I am trying to write a small program that will use CCViewer (or CC) to enable a user to start my program and within it load a point cloud x,y,z file into CCViewer . I have got the program to load CCViewer from within my program by running the CCViewer.exe file so my program and CCViewer are loaded. What I want to do is to obtain the values of a selected point from CCViewer and use those values in my program to work out which jpg images have the located point in their field of view. What are the values called that I can use as variables in my program and is this even possible?

Ideally I would like to have the CC window I have shown above with the red cross, to appear in a separate window within my program or just the CCViewer window.I want it to be as simple as possible and I also would like to disable the functions in CCViewer that would not be applicable so as not to give the user any functions they do not need. I have tried to edit some simple parts of the CCViewer program such as the 'About box' and it seems that it does not use any of my 'edits' (simple changes of text).

Any advice on how to do this?
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Re: Access is Denied

Post by daniel »

Ok I remember now. But as I told you, you could relatively easily write a plugin for CC (with your software inside), but probably not the opposite.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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