Copy color values from one scan

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Copy color values from one scan

Post by cuatcside »

I have exported 2 pts files from a scene scans one colorized and the other not colorized (only intensity values)
I have removed traffic (moving cars) from the not colorized scan. now I wish I had removed traffic from the colorized version.
is there anyway to copy the color values from the colorized version to the scan that it's clean but not colorized?
or is there anyway to compare 2 scans and only keep the points that have same coordinates in both scans and delete the rest (traffic)
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Re: Copy color values from one scan

Post by daniel »

In the last versions there's a function to import the colors from one cloud to another cloud. Simply select the two clouds and use 'Edit > Colors > Interpolate from another entity'.

It's a shortcut to the manual process you thought about: compute the distances between the two clouds and then keep only the colored points with a zero distance.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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