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Spread 3D to 2.5D and Ascii column meaning?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 6:16 pm
by Kwanmok
I am trying to manipulate the xyz coordinates of each point to spread the 3D point cloud into a 2.5D terrestrial-like format. It is like spreading the earth globe into a flat paper. To do this, I would need to use the raw xyz data and use an external software to change the coordinates (project or transform). I have used the 'save' function in the Cloudcompare to convert the data into an Ascii data format. It is giving me 8 columns but doesn't have any information for each column. 1) What does it mean? OR 2) is there an easier way to accomplish this (spreading 3D to 2.5D) in Cloudcompare?

Below is the example of how my ASCII file looks like through excel sheet..

-236.4526978 155.1625061 97.60037994 52 36 23 0.06985359 0.01452637

Thanks in advance.

Re: Spread 3D to 2.5D and Ascii column meaning?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 8:39 pm
by daniel
When you save your cloud to ASCII, you can check an option to save an header as well (this way you'll get the meaning of all columns). But the 3 first ones are always X, Y and Z.