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Anyone gotten good normals with FARO Freestyle?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:08 pm
by Laserbrain
Anyone have a good workflow for getting good meshes from Freestyle data?

I haven't found a file format to get freestyle normals out of FARO Scene software.


Re: Anyone gotten good normals with FARO Freestyle?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:32 pm
by Oiz
Do you have some example data I can test? In my work we use the stationary terrestrial LiDARs of FARO, so I have fought quite a bit with the issue and might find something. By default, FARO is pretty bad at supporting CC, which is a shame and probably a testament to some jealousy ;P as they probably have invested quite a ton of money in their, relatively, bad software solutions.

Re: Anyone gotten good normals with FARO Freestyle?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:43 pm
by Laserbrain
Actually you can easily get great meshes out of CC with FARO Focus scanners. Import the LSPROJ directly into CC. And when calculating normals use "use sensors whenever possible".

But I don't think FARO is keeping correct normals when it processes freestyle scans.

It SHOULD, because the Mantis keeps it's normals and makes great meshes. The freestyle should also be able to keep the normals. I'm assuming anyway.

Re: Anyone gotten good normals with FARO Freestyle?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:13 pm
by Oiz
Does the lsproj include a Grid data structure? What I usually do (at least with the stationary LiDARs) is generate a mesh with Edit > Grid > Mesh Scan Grids, then transfer the normals (much easier and faster to compute) from the mesh to the cloud, and then use the Poisson Reconstruction.