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(Solved) How to prepare a release version?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:49 am
by fblue
I've developped a simple plugin in CC 2.9.1 et I want to build a release version.
From my visual studio 2013, I've successfully build a release X64 version and I've got a new folder "CloudCompare" in my project folder where there are 4 folders ( ccViewer, ccViewer_debug, CloudCompare, CloudComare_debug). In "CloudCompare" folder, I've got the files as shown in image.

My question is: Does it complete? which files do I still need to copy to the folder to make the exe run in another computer (Windows without VS and QT)? ( I have no other computer for test by now. )
Capture.PNG (11.89 KiB) Viewed 33884 times

Re: How to prepare a release version?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:23 pm
by fblue
I foud it out.
Just to answer my question: need to add 2 VS dll (msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll) and it's OK.
See infomation: