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Command line mode new functions request

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:48 am
by olegpetin
Hi, Daniel! Thank you for the greatest soft (the best point cloud processing soft in the world!).
Please, add in TODO list new command line mode functionalities:
*** 1 ***
-SF_CONST {SF name} {constant value}

Creates, names a new scalar field, filles constant value to each point, and sets SF active

*** 2 ***
-SFS_OP {SF1 index} {operation} {SF2 index}

applies an arithmetic operation on a given scalar field (SF1) of the loaded cloud/mesh and with a given scalar field (SF2).
SF = SF1 (+,-,*,/) SF2

The scalar-field index starts from 0. The user can use the keyword 'LAST' to designate the last scalar field.

Supported operations are:
the updated cloud/mesh is automatically saved (see the AUTO_SAVE command to change this)
the modification is done in new place (i.e. the new scalar field is created)

*** 3 ***
-SF_DEL {SF index}

deletes an active scalar field.
The scalar-field index starts from 0. The user can use the keyword 'LAST' to designate the last scalar field.

*** 4 ***
-SF_TO_COORD {SF index} {dimension: X, Y or Z}

sets an active scalar field as specified coordinate (dimension).
The scalar-field index starts from 0. The user can use the keyword 'LAST' to designate the last scalar field.

*** 5 ***
-SF_RENAME {SF index} {new name}

renamed an active scalar field.
The scalar-field index starts from 0. The user can use the keyword 'LAST' to designate the last scalar field.

All the best

Re: Command line mode new functions request

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:27 pm
by krillmcrawl
I'm also very interested in nr 1 from you suggestion:
*** 1 ***
-SF_CONST {SF name} {constant value}

Creates, names a new scalar field, filles constant value to each point, and sets SF active

I looked at the command line parameters but could not find it here: ... _line_mode

Do you know if it's already implemented but maybe using another name?