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Rasterize_ Edit Grid function in Command Line

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:37 pm
by Felix92

I want to rasterize several slices of my point cloud. In the GUI its not possible to rasterize multiple at the same time. To save time I tried to automatize using the command line (Here: cmd implementation is just great, thank you). I couldn´t find a parameter to edit the output raster [except step size] unlike in the GUI [BB center, and widths]. It´s important for me that the pixel overlap to compare the resulting raster. I did try to match the center points using -MATCH_CENTERS function, but the centers didn´t align.

Is there an easy / fast way to rasterize all slices with overlapping pixels and then export them [just need the amount of points in the raster] ?

My solutions are:
a) Using the GUI [just time and nerve wrecking]
b) Add manually points to force the extent [Is there an easy/fast way to add these points?]

Best regards