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Procedure for Export

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:44 pm
by JoeKan
How do I go about exporting to a specific file format?

I read in LAZ files and am trying to export out LAS files - just a simple conversion (3rd party program does not support LAZ that I received the files in). However, when I look at the pull down menus or right-click on the imported tiles, I do not see any export options. What am I missing or not seeing?


Re: Procedure for Export

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:33 pm
by daniel
If you select multiple clouds at once, CC will only display the file formats that can store multiple clouds (not a lot actually). So either you do this cloud by cloud, or you can use the command line mode ( ... _line_mode)

Re: Procedure for Export

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:20 pm
by JoeKan
Belated THANKS Daniel, but what I was after was:
File=> Save => Select file format to 'Save As'...

A Newbie here - "I use & learn, then forget & need to re-learn."