Bubble-View / 360 Images

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Bubble-View / 360 Images

Post by Charlesw »

Good afternoon,

ive spent the better part of three days now looking into how to solve a problem without posting here, but think now it is appropriate to do so.

We have noticed that there is an issue with the e57 files produced by CloudCompare.

The issue is with the bubble views / structure of the image file not being recognized in other programs.
For instance, I can save an e57 from FARO Scene, and process it through recap. In recap, I will have the original scan images associated to each scan and thus I have valid bubble views from the original scans data.

However, when we bring the same data through CloudCompare before going to Recap (import, and export in CloudCOmpare as another e57), then the recap product produces a cloud without bubble view options.

However, We can take these same cases, and open them in Cyclone instead of Recap, and the bubble views are there. We have tried this on various programs and the only one able to recognize the bubble views from CC is Cyclone. All others lose the bubble viewing capability.

Is this a bug with CloudCompare, or is there something we should be doing on export to ensure the scan images are saved into the e57 files properly?
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Re: Bubble-View / 360 Images

Post by WargodHernandez »

Can you please post more information, the Cloud Compare version, operating system, do you have a small example e57 that can be shared that exhibits the issue?

In general though Cloud Compare after loading creates Cloud Compare entities and then when saving it reverses that, but there can definitely be losses depending on what is being loaded/saved.
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Re: Bubble-View / 360 Images

Post by daniel »

Yes I'm even surprised the bubble-view remains when importing that to Cyclone actually. There's a lot of contents in E57 file that is not managed by CC and that will be lost when exporting back to E57.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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