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Ideal parameters for car interior point cloud to mesh?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:42 pm
by Evan
I find myself needing to make meshes from car interiors a lot. First, I compute the normals. Here are the settings I use for that:

- Normals.PNG (35.98 KiB) Viewed 2694 times
Then I do Poisson Reconstruction:

- PoissonRecon.PNG (28.07 KiB) Viewed 2694 times
Then, the mesh that comes out always has these giant surfaces:

- Mesh.PNG (434.22 KiB) Viewed 2694 times
I have to go into Meshlab to cut these out and it becomes time consuming. I have played with the parameters for normals and Poisson Reconstruction to try and eliminate these but to no success. Is there a parameter I should be focusing on?
Point cloud is subsampled to 0.5cm.
Re: Ideal parameters for car interior point cloud to mesh?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:44 pm
by daniel
Have you read the part about the 'Density' output (first tab) of the PoissonRecon plugin dialog?
You should activate this option. This will add a scalar field to the mesh that lets you 'segment' the mesh interactively based on the density of the Poisson reconstruction (which more or less depends on how far the mesh triangles are from the cloud). This is super efficient to trim the mesh parts that are far from the cloud (and generally inaccurate).
Re: Ideal parameters for car interior point cloud to mesh?
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:48 pm
by PeteFirstMillwork
We are doing something similar to this and just getting started. I am new to cloudcompare and trying to determine if it is what we should be using for this. Ultimately we are needing to scan a confined area, create the point cloud and register it, then using a software hopefully like CC take it from a cloud we crop and orient the way we need it to a solid model/STL for use in CAD CAM software. I would be interested to hear what kind of scanner you are using and your setup. Also I am finding that CC does not use units but when we used recap we were able to make measurements in specific units this could be an issue but as long as the resultant .STL or model is accurate it may be fine. We used to open the point clouds in recap pro and just did PTP measurements but now we need to be able to create models from the spaces for our products. Any suggestions on processes and techniques here would be MOST appreciated. Thank you..