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VR recommendations

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:27 pm
by geo3D
I am working on experiments with 3D geologic mapping using point clouds from Structure from Motion/Multiview stereo as a base map. I recently got funds to buy a field laptop for this work. I want to use it with VR, and cloudcompare supports Occulus Rift and Nvidia 3D vision. In discussions with vendors I have been told these are "very old VR technology" systems. I understand that given that any of that kind of tech is "old" in two weeks.

What I am asking here is advice. Is there a development effort to make cloud compare work on "more modern" devices? If so, what are they? I could invest in that now under the assumption it would come online for me as it becomes available.
thanks in advance for any advice.

Re: VR recommendations

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:58 pm
by daniel
Good question.

And yes, definitely the VR market evolves too fast for us, and both technologies are already outdated :|

Currently, there's no effort (I'm aware of) to support a new VR system (even if Microsoft Mixed Reality would probably be the smartest choice I guess)

Re: VR recommendations

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:27 am
by geo3D
Thanks Daniel, i forgot to check this. I guess only way I could experiment would be to buy an old oculus on ebay? at least it should be cheap!