Move scalarfield index, or use "last" in set_active_sf in command line

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Move scalarfield index, or use "last" in set_active_sf in command line

Post by kjetilbmoe »

I am loading a large number of .laz files (up to ~600) in command line mode, to first perform a filter (to extract terrain from sf="Classification", value "2"), then subsample this, and then merge all of them. It turns out that some of the scans from along the border have 2 fewer scalar fields, and so I cannot use the the same index name persistently. I am trying to set the last SF as active (this is "classification"), but this is not an option in the set_active_sf. So I have been trying to "move" the SF fields from "last" posistion to an earlier one by using "multiply by 0", and then "add scalar field" from the "last" index, but then it seems this operation is not available in command line mode. It was working in GUI mode. Are there any other clever ways to do this?

(One option would be to have a "last" option for the set_active_sf, but that is not something that is available. Another way would be to allow the same sf operations to be done in command line mode.)

Greatful for any help :)
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Re: Move scalarfield index, or use "last" in set_active_sf in command line

Post by WargodHernandez »

It should be pretty easy to add the Last option to set_active_sf, I'll see if I can get it today
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