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Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:43 am
by smoluck
Hi everyone.

Using CC in Command Line mode, to convert CSV (Ascii) data to PLY (Binary_BE) file format, it seems we can't define the attribute for each column. Those Attribute choice are missing for each column.

Actually i want to define Column like that, but the Color is converted to Normal vector instead:


Is there a solution to this ? Maybe via Python ?

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:51 pm
by daniel
Ah yes, Python would probably be a smart way to manage that...

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 3:51 am
by smoluck
hi Daniel.

Is there is no way to define the Retargeting of R G B Float 0-1 via the a Batch File ?

Here is the code i use in a Bat file:

Code: Select all

and so on

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:45 am
by smoluck
What i want is defining the 4 to 6 Column to be that way once i launch the command line Bat file.

Actually when i use the Command Line, that Popup doesn't show up.
And at the end the Output PLY file is just White . There is no Color saved.

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:39 pm
by daniel
Ah, float color components... They are generally mixed with normals when CC attempts to automatically detect the role of each column. And if you add the header, it will try to load them as 0-255 color components. I think that's clearly a limitation for now.

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:33 am
by smoluck
Thanks Daniel,

So what is the header i have to put at the first line to guide CC on this ?

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:45 am
by smoluck
is that this header ?

Code: Select all

//X Y Z Rf Gf Bf Nx Ny Nz

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:02 am
by smoluck
even with this header, it still look at wrong values.

Re: Command Line Attribute choice missing for each column when batch open CSV to PLY.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 12:46 pm
by daniel
Ah but once again, since it's float colors, I believe it won't work anyway...