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loading and registering

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:22 am
by amithkp
hi, i am very much interested in using the registration and align methods of cloudcompare after using it. Actually, i want their source code. what i am actually need is, i am using visual studio 2010 32bit ID , in which i am using CPP code. I am loading two point clouds stored in two ply files, and i need to register these two files. So what i am asking is, can you provide me help regarding, how use cloud compare specfic library functions in visual studio c code, so that i can first load two ply files and view them and afterwards proceed for alignment and registration using corresponding cloudcompare cpp and header files

Re: loading and registering

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:25 am
by daniel
Well, you can't 'take' the PLY filter class and put it in your project (as it depends on lots of things in qCC and qCC_db). But it's quite simple and most of the work is done by the RPLY library (so you should simply use this library in your own project and maybe take what you can from the PLYFilter.cpp class.

For the registration, it's easier. You should compile the CCLib library (on windows the sub-project is called CC_DLL). You must get the whole project source and use CMake (see the wiki for more information on compilation). In CCLib you'll find:
- a cloud structure to store the points (SimpleCloud or ChunkedPointCloud)
- the registration algorithm (ICPRegistrationTools::RegisterClouds)

All the sources are here:
Directions for compiling the project are here: ... tion_CMake

Re: loading and registering

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:05 am
by amithkp
I have checked what u replied. Actually, firstly i want to load point clouds within ply files and register the point clouds. I am doing in cpp code in Visual studio 2010 ID which i have mentioned earlier. I just want to align and register the point clouds, for this only i need the registration and align function of cloudcompare. Now i doesnt want the GUI to view, i just need to check whether it working by saving it into a file. so can u provide me more help on loading points clouds from ply files either using or without using the cloud compare libraries, so that i can use the align and register functions of cloudcompare libraries , all through coding in cpp visualstudio not using cloudcompare gui

Re: loading and registering

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:59 am
by daniel
- CCLib (CC_DLL on Windows) is a core library, without any GUI dependence. Using CMake is necessary to create a Visual Studio project.
- Using rPly is pretty straightforward and you've got a good example of how to use it by looking at PlyFilter.cpp.

No offence, but managing and supporting the CloudCompare project is sufficiently time-consuming for me, so I won't teach you how to code or how to use other libraries ;)