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Registration and calcul distance

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:29 am
by MounaH
Hello sir Daniel !

I am very interested in your software cloudcompare through my final project study
I'll be very grateful if you can answer my questions

1) I did the registration of two point cloud to detect deformations( Stop criterion : error difference = e(-7))), but I do not know how to be sure the registration was done well?

2) in the step of calculating distance of two point cloud to detect deformations, I used the function "Height Function".I read the userguide, but I need to understand the background of the thing, how this function works ?

I await your answer is very urgent,thank you very much

Re: Registration and calcul distance

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:34 pm
by daniel

1) Well, apart from a visual check, you can compute the distances and see if the distances are ok on (equivalent) overlapping areas.

2) For more information, see here: ... omputation. The "Height" function is simply a quadratic model (Z = a+bX+cXY+dX^2+eY+fY^2) which is generally much more accurate than the plane but don't handle well the sharp edges.