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Icon usage

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:45 am
by Jan.H
Hello Daniel
first of all: very nice software.

As I am working also on a TLS projekt, I am wondering if I might use your Icons for this project. Haven't decided yet, if I will make this project public, but if yes, it will be for sure Open Source.

Also wondering if you created your Icons by yourself, or did you get them from a place for free. I havent found many usable items by googling.

Best regards and keep up the good work


Re: Icon usage

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:34 am
by daniel

You can freely use the icons, there is no particular copyright on them.

And as for their source, we created most of them ourselves (personally I did this at first with standard image editors, but now I prefer vector images in svg format - with Inkscape for instance). And the few other icons... were randomly picked from internet! (now that the project is open-source and online I don't do it anymore ;).