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animation: view points order

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:19 pm
by Morris
Hi Daniel!

I'm trying to make an animation.
I got 2 questions.

1. Can I change the orders of view points? or I can only create view points in the chronological order?

2. Can I insert a new view point in my existing view point series?
for example, I want to insert a new view point between point 2 and point 3, Is this possible?

Thank you!

Re: animation: view points order

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:18 pm
by daniel
1. You have to change the order of the viewports in the DB tree, before selecting them and starting the Animation plugin (you may have to move the viewports in an empty group first, as it seems it's not possible to reorder them when they are at the root level! - just right click at the bottom part of the DB tree frame and select the 'Add empty group' option).

2. Same thing, you would have to capture a new viewport (CTRL+V) and move it at the right position... still outside of the plugin.

That's a little bit cumbersome, but that's currently how things work...

Re: animation: view points order

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:18 pm
by Morris
thanks so much!
It works!

thank you for your fast respond!