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PCV SF naming different commandline VS editor

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:14 pm
by PablerasBCN
Hi, When I did compute the PCV for the whole dataset via commandline, I recall some note like the SF of the PCV had been renamed, and till today I had not found much of an issue with that, yet, as I was saying today I chopped a separate ittem out of a data tile, computed PCV and when mergin back to the original cloud I noticed a weird thing, at first I though was a graphical glitch but later on I realized that what happened is that commandline and editor naming for the PCV SF are different, hence, cant be merged properly.


I think commandline and editor naming should be consistent, whichever is decided to be

Re: PCV SF naming different commandline VS editor

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:16 pm
by daniel
Which file format did you save the file to? a BIN file? Something else?

(I can't reproduce the issue on my side). Or was the 'Illuminance_(PCV)' scalar field the old one maybe? Because that shouldn't be the case.

Re: PCV SF naming different commandline VS editor

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:45 pm
by PablerasBCN
The commandline saved to .las

The command line was much likely this one

"for %%f in (E:\LIDAR_JAPAN\MMS8\MMS\_00_ORIGINAL\*.las) DO "C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\cloudcompare.exe" -SILENT -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO %%f -AUTO_SAVE OFF -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -NO_TIMESTAMP -PCV -180 -N_RAYS 512 -SAVE_CLOUDS"

the one that was automatically renamed in the command line is the "__PCV" one, the in editor has no underscores.

At night hI'll run a sample test to see if this keeps happening and if so capture more info and provide reproduction sample.