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Poisson reconstruction via command line

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:05 pm
by hochoc
Hello everyone

I'm using poisson reconstruction for .ply files which is working fine via the UI. Unfortunately, I'm unable to make it work via the command line. I'm aware of the following documentation: ... rsion13.8/

I was trying to follow the usage example, so the command I'm using (on a unix virtual machine) is the following:
hoc@vmaanywhere02:~ CloudCompare % PoissonRecon --in /home/Documents/example_tree.ply

CloudCompare opens up its UI (which I actually do not want) and then throws the error message "[Load] Can't guess file format: no file extension".

I've tried different commands (e.g. without "%", without "CloudCompare"), different file formats and I've also tried it on a windows machine but without any success. Other actions via the command line (e.g. resampling) work well on my VM.

I'm happy to share my data.

Any help is much appreciated!

Thank you very much

Re: Poisson reconstruction via command line

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:59 am
by daniel
I'm not sure to fully understand where this command comes from?

CloudCompare has its own command line mechanism (with -XXX options) but the PoissonRecon plugin is not accessible via this interface.

In your case, you should forget about CC, and compile / retrieve the real PoissonRecon tool (which is different from CC's plugin). And then you should be able to use the second part of your command (I guess, assuming it's the right syntax).

Re: Poisson reconstruction via command line

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 8:49 am
by hochoc
Thanks a lot Daniel, this makes sense. I'm now able to use the Poisson Recon (separate tool) via CLI.

Thanks again and have a good week

Re: Poisson reconstruction via command line

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:26 am
by smoluck
Hi Hochoc.

What is the CLI for the Poisson reconstruction via CLI of Cloud Compare ?

i can't find it via ... _line_mode

Re: Poisson reconstruction via command line

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:36 pm
by daniel
We don't provide any for now (but PoissonRecon already exists as a standalone tool provided by the author himself (see