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Segment mesh and refine to preserve polyline?

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:55 pm
by Evan
I have a coarse mesh generated using CSF Filter. This mesh is supposed to be of a roadway. The nature of the CSF filter is make the mesh as big as the bounding box, so it will spill outside of the roadway points. I want to clip the mesh nicely to match the roadway edge.

Using 2D Polygon Facet tool, I get a set of projected points (no Z value) outlining the exact contour/boundary of my road points. This is great, but when I use that contour as a segmentation polyline on the mesh, since it is coarse, I get giant chunks taken out and no flush edge.

Is there a way to add mesh faces and vertices from the projected contour points, so that I am guaranteed a clean cut?


Re: Segment mesh and refine to preserve polyline?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:25 pm
by daniel
No, sadly CC doesn't offer this level of refined segmentation for meshes yet...

Not ideal, but you could sample points on the mesh, segment this (dense) cloud finely, and then re-mesh the result with either Delaunay or Poisson.

Re: Segment mesh and refine to preserve polyline?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:30 pm
by Evan
Thanks for the reply Daniel.

I think I can get the job done by importing the facet polyline into Rhino, extruding a surface along Z to intersect the CSF mesh, and then splitting/trimming in Rhino. That usually works to create new faces/vertices, preserving the intersecting polyline. Maybe something to look into for the segmentation tool for future versions.

Thank you!
